The current state of autonomous suturing: a systematic review

Surgical Endoscopy, 2024

Benjamin T Ostrander, Daniel Massillon, Leo Meller, Zih-Yun Chiu, Michael Yip, Ryan K Orosco

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Abstract: Robotic technology is an important tool in surgical innovation, with robots increasingly being used in the clinical setting. Robots can be used to enhance accuracy, perform remote actions, or to automate tasks. One such surgical task is suturing, a repetitive, fundamental component of surgery that can be tedious and time consuming. Suturing is a promising automation target because of its ubiquity, repetitive nature, and defined constraints. This systematic review examines research to date on autonomous suturing.A systematic review of the literature focused on autonomous suturing was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines.6850 articles were identified by searching PubMed, Embase, Compendex, and Inspec. Duplicates and non-English articles were removed. 4389 articles were screened and 4305 were excluded. Of the 84 remaining, 43 articles did not meet criteria, leaving …

Ostrander et al. (2024) The current state of autonomous suturing: a systematic review, Surgical Endoscopy, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 2383-2397.