Remote telesurgery in humans: a systematic review

Surgical Endoscopy, 2022

Patrick Barba, Joshua Stramiello, Emily K Funk, Florian Richter, Michael C Yip, Ryan K Orosco

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Abstract: Since the conception of robotic surgery, remote telesurgery has been a dream upon which incredible technological advances haven been built. Despite the considerable enthusiasm for, there have been few published studies of remote telesurgery on humans. We performed a systematic review of the English literature (PubMed, EMbase, Inspec & Compendex and Web of Science) to report studies of remote telesurgery in humans. Keywords included telesurgery, remote surgery, long-distance surgery, and telerobotics. Subjects had to be human (live patients or cadavers). The operating surgeon had to be remote from the patient, separated by more than one kilometer. The article had to explicitly report the use of a long-distance telerobotic technique. Articles that focused on telepresence or tele-mentoring were excluded. The study included eight articles published from 2001 to 2020. One …

Barba et al. (2022) Remote telesurgery in humans: a systematic review, Surgical Endoscopy, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 2771-2777.