Real-to-Sim Deformable Object Manipulation: Optimizing Physics Models with Residual Mappings for Robotic Surgery

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024

Xiao Liang, Fei Liu, Yutong Zhang, Yuelei Li, Shan Lin, Michael Yip

Abstract: Accurate deformable object manipulation (DOM) is essential for achieving autonomy in robotic surgery, where soft tissues are being displaced, stretched, and dissected. Many DOM methods can be powered by simulation, which ensures realistic deformation by adhering to the governing physical constraints and allowing for model prediction and control. However, real soft objects in robotic surgery, such as membranes and soft tissues, have complex, anisotropic physical parameters that a simulation with simple initialization from cameras may not fully capture. To use the simulation techniques in real surgical tasks, the “real-to-sim” gap needs to be properly compensated. In this work, we propose an online, adaptive parameter tuning approach for simulation optimization that (1) bridges the real-to-sim gap between a physics simulation and observations obtained 3D perceptions through estimating a residual mapping and (2) optimizes its stiffness parameters online. Our method ensures a small residual gap between the simulation and observation and improves the simulation’s predictive capabilities. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism is evaluated in the manipulation of both a thin-shell and volumetric tissue, representative of most tissue scenarios. This work contributes to the advancement of simulation-based deformable tissue manipulation and holds potential for improving surgical autonomy.

Liang et al. (2024) Real-to-Sim Deformable Object Manipulation: Optimizing Physics Models with Residual Mappings for Robotic Surgery, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 15471-15477.

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