Model-Less Feedback Control of Continuum Manipulators in Constrained Environments

IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2014

Michael C Yip, David B Camarillo

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Abstract: Continuum manipulators offer a means for robot manipulation in a constrained environment, where the manipulator body can safely interact with, comply with, and navigate around obstacles. However, obstacle interactions impose constraints that conform the robot body into arbitrary shapes regardless of actuator positions. Generally, these effects cannot be wholly sensed on a continuum manipulator and, therefore, render model-based controllers incorrect, leading to artificial singularities and unstable behavior. We present a task-space closed-loop controller for continuum manipulators that does not rely on a model and can be used in constrained environments. Using an optimal control strategy on a tendon-driven robot, we demonstrate this method, which we term model-less control, which allows the manipulator to interact with several constrained environments in a stable manner. To the best of our knowledge, this …

Yip et al. (2014) Model-Less Feedback Control of Continuum Manipulators in Constrained Environments, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 880-889.