Contactless Weight Estimation of Human Body and Body Parts for Safe Robotics-Assisted Casualty Extraction

Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023

Jaeyeon Lee, Ethan Quist, Jonathan Chambers, Michael Yip, Nathan Fisher

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Abstract: Deploying humans in a high-risk environment to extract casualties in order to provide medical attention is an inherently dangerous endeavor. To minimize this risk, Robotics and Autonomous Systems can be deployed in hazardous areas in place of human personnel to limit the exposure of first responders to various life-threatening conditions. The success of robotic extraction of injured persons depends heavily on how safely the human subject is handled. Therefore, the integration of intelligent technologies for secure control and motion planning is crucial in overcoming the dynamic and complex challenges of robotic grasping and manipulation. In this regard, the measurement of the target human subject’s weight is an essential factor for safe grasping and maneuvering during robotic interactions with humans. This paper presents a contactless vision-based approach for estimating the weight of the human body. This …

Lee et al. (2023) Contactless Weight Estimation of Human Body and Body Parts for Safe Robotics-Assisted Casualty Extraction, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 6550-6556.