Towards Non-Parametric Models for Confidence Aware Image Prediction from Low Data using Gaussian Processes

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2024

Nikhil U Shinde, Florian Richter, Michael C Yip

Abstract: The ability to envision future states is crucial to informed decision making while interacting with dynamic environments. With cameras providing a prevalent and information rich sensing modality, the problem of predicting future states from image sequences has garnered a lot of attention. Current state of the art methods typically train large parametric models for their predictions. Though often able to predict with accuracy, these models rely on the availability of large training datasets to converge to useful solutions. In this paper we focus on the problem of predicting future images of an image sequence from very little training data. To approach this problem, we use non-parametric models to take a probabilistic approach to image prediction. We generate probability distributions over sequentially predicted images and propagate uncertainty through time to generate a confidence metric for our predictions. Gaussian Processes are used for their data efficiency and ability to readily incorporate new training data online. We showcase our method by successfully predicting future frames of a smooth fluid simulation environment.

Shinde et al. (2024) Towards Non-Parametric Models for Confidence Aware Image Prediction from Low Data using Gaussian Processes, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1-14.

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